Intuitive and Holistic Coaching Services
Do you consistently feel like you don’t belong? Not sure of the how and why of things that relate to you? Not sure how to just 'be' you'?
How would it feel to no longer have to ‘hide’ who you are? Do you feel people will not like you if they knew the real you?
Are you ready to hear the message this next chapter in your life journey holds for you?
Are you looking for direction and want it to come from within but you don’t know how to let your true voice become the one you hear? How much of what you hear belongs to you instead of an accumulation of all the things you’ve heard from others? How will you know?
Are you ready to hear your true voice and the answer you’re looking for?
I am ready to teach you how to listen so you will hear. I’m ready to be the coach on your team and together we’ll empower your natural momentum by fueling it with the authentic and wonderful energy that is YOU.
You’ll learn to recognize and trust your true voice. You’ll learn that your life is as wondrous as you are, and-U: (are) Powerful and Growing.
Hello, and Welcome
My name is Joanne Tuinstra and I am your Intuitive Holistic Life Coach!
Now there's a title you probably have never heard before. That's okay because neither had I until I started my journey of self-awareness and discovery (some call it, "finding" oneself). For me what the title really means, and why I chose it, is that I have learned how to become my true self and to trust that every day is the day that I am meant to 'be'. It means I have a beautiful, loving gift of empathic sensitivity and, it is that keen and nurturing gift that helps me to see and feel the best I can in all things. It is from within that gift that I am able to teach and guide. I am forever grateful.
Where It All Began
Where It All Began
After 31 years employed in varying roles within the social services/criminal justice/mental health systems I began to recognize a common message echoing from people who had no real connection to each other. Over and over and for years and years the words, feelings, statements, emotions, and perceptions expressed by people with obvious generational, cultural, and gender differences were sounding the same. The message became so loud that I knew then I had to pay attention to the meaning of this. I knew it was time for me to seek the answers that would make sense.
Have you ever tortured yourself with confusing questions and painful answers to thoughts and feelings like these:
“I'm always struggling at work and in relationships.”
“I feel like I’m always on a mission to ‘fit in’ and be accepted.”
“I go through cycles of pleasure then I guilt and shame myself because I enjoyed it.”
“I just don’t think people really understand me and if they knew the real me, they wouldn’t like me.”
Sound familiar? There are actual answers and I can help you find yours.
And The Answer Makes Itself Known in the Question; Who Am I?
Of course neither the question nor the answer made itself known as clear and obvious as that but rather, it came by way of behaviours and cycles of confusion. An entire cluster of your own questions confused you even more! When you asked yourself some of the questions the answers you heard back were not designed to bring you any closer to who you truly are but rather, who you are not! "You should know better. You should be able to fix this. You should be stronger than that. Why do I keep making the same mistakes? Why do I keep choosing the same toxic relationships? I should know these things? Why don't I?
No doubt you can come up with countless examples of questions and answers you have thrown at yourself over the years. And, no doubt, you now know how the cycle begins. The thoughts bring the 'feelings'. The feelings of less than, shame, guilt, not as good as, etc.
Then, the behaviours follow. The acting out/acting in. Then, (for some) the cycle starts all over again.
You are going to learn about your 'cycle' and you will learn how to break that cycle and lay new and healthy tracks to grow and move forward on. We will find your answers.