When You And I Begin Our Work Together

I will be paying close attention to your natural energy and will allow it to guide us on our next steps.

I have many resources available from which to draw upon and will, no doubt, choose the ones best suited for you to move into these next amazing life chapters!

Let's get to know this chapter and learn how to recognize, nurture, love, and accept your true language and meaning because these are very exciting and interesting times we are living in and you have waited long enough to meet your true authentic self.

Thank you for choosing me. I feel quite privileged and grateful.

And now please allow me to share a little more about myself with you and, in so doing, I hope you can feel my sincere enthusiasm and commitment to our connection.


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I Am So Happy That You've Chosen to Come This Far With Me!


I am a transplanted Newfoundlander to the province of Ontario but I tend to live between both of the beautiful Canadian provinces. I am a mother, a grandmother, a sister, and, an auntie!

I am also a highly intuitive, keenly aware, deeply-sensitive, feminine being who has learned to trust and believe in my gift. It took a great deal of 'work' on my behalf to come to an understanding of my gift of empathic intuition and even more work to 'own' it.

In essence, what this means for you is; I have done the best I can to ensure I am prepared to meet you where you are in your life journey.

I am ready to meet you in this chapter so we can go the distance together!

And Now For This Next Chapter

We Will Journey Together. Me and-U: Powerful And Growing

Joanne Tuinstra, IPHM (Worldwide Accreditation)

Accredited Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming

Accredited & Approved Multi-Disciplinary Practitioner of Solutions-Based Counseling, REBT, CBT, and, Strategic Life Coaching

Member in good standing of:

International Society of Professional Females                                                         https://www.theisfp.com/

The International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine  https://www.iphm.co.uk/

The Complementary Therapists Accredited Association https://www.ctaamembers.com/

Professional Member of The Priority Academy  https://www.thepriorityacademy.com/



CRA Registered: 72948 6100



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